Southwestern Christian Fellowship (SCF) is funded through the partnering with several individuals that include - former students, current faculty, a church in Dallas, and friends of the ministry from all over the country.  These are people who see the work we are doing as vital in today's climate and vital to this campus.  About 80% of our annual gifts are from individual ministry partners.

(Although SCF would identify as a Christian Medical Dental Association (CMDA) chapter in Dallas, donations made directly to CMDA go to support their national-level ministries.)



The giving of both churches and individuals is how all of our ministry operates.  This funding covers our ministry to students through discipleship and training, mobilizing students to missions both on campus, our city, across the nation & world, and part of our staff income.




1. ONLINE - All online gifts are registered through Texas Baptists and can be set up as one-time gifts or recurring gifts set up to be given as often as you like.

To give online for MINISTRY funding (lunches, outreaches, etc) use this link:

*** To give online to support Stan and Karen, click button below

2. DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS - For all Donor-Advised FUNDS, Gifts of Stock, and other Charitable gifts to SCF. The recipient (parent organization we work through) organization's legal name is, Baptist General Convention of Texas. This is the organization's legal name and our tax ID number is 75-6044885.

Gifts by stock and charitable donations can be sent to their donation processing center at 7557 Rambler Rd. Ste 1100, Dallas, TX WITH a designation for use at UT Southwestern.

The organization's legal name will appear in the donor's granting history.

3. By CHECKS - We use a local CHASE Bank account with the legal name of Baptist Student Ministry UT Southwestern. Please make checks payable to Baptist Student Ministry - UT Southwestern.

You may mail them to our address at PO BOX 835932 Richardson TX 75083 and our area ministry assistant will ensure they are deposited correctly.